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Plant some plants

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Q: How can you help control soil erosion?
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Related questions

How do humans interact with erosion?

Erosion is a natural process. Humans contribute to erosion when they clear an area of plants. Plants help to keep the soil in place through their roots. Humans can help to control erosion by planting hillsides and slopes with erosion control plants.

How do you slow soil erosion?

Soil erosion can be slowed down by flood control and planting more trees.

How does trees help in preventing soil erosion?

Trees help in preventing soil erosion by holding the soil particles together with the help of their roots. Roots are like a net holding a large area of soil particles together and thus preventing soil erosion.

What can we do to help prevent soil erosion?

plant more trres, the trees roots will help less erosion by holding the soil

How do plants control erosion from water runoff?

Plants help to check soil erosion considerably. During flood or excessive rain, the soil gets washed away by the flow of water. However, deep rooted plants help the soil not get washed away by the water pressure, thereby slowing down the process of soil erosion. Therefore, planting of deep rooted trees are advisable along the river shore.

How can ring bunds help on flood control?

Ring bunds can help in flood control along the hill slopes and filed boundaries as they reduce the soil erosion.

How does Organic Farming help reduce Soil Erosion?

organic farming help to reduce soil erosion .because when its rain or wind .the are material which hold the soil not to be remove

How do cover crops help prevent erosion?

They help to prevent erosion by holding the soil together.

What does not help cause soil erosion?

Soil erosion is not helped by tilling too deeply. Wind and water will then carry the soil away. Minimum tillage is the best way to prevent soil erosion.

How does fungi improve soil quality?

They help prevent soil erosion

How would you put erosion in a sentence?

Trees can help prevent soil erosion.

How can you control soil erosion riddle?

Hold up a bank