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get a VCR player and hook up it by the back inputs

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Q: How can you hook up Wii if tv doesnt have hook up?
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Can you hook up WII to two different televisions?

you have to have 2 Wii's!

How do you hook up wii to converter box to old tv?

You probably can't hook it up. Old TV's don't have the ports that are needed or the wiring.

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How do you hook up wii and DVD with only one AV on tv?

usually if you only have one av hookup on your tv you have to leave the specified DVD Player and Nintendo Wii plugged in and transfer the cords everytime you want to watch or play one and not the are not able to hook both of them up at the same time..unless you have more AV outlets on the back of your tv...check there and if that doesnt work see the above plan(:

My Wii won't start up No picture No sound as if it werent connected?

make sure everythings connected to tv and to the wii if that doesnt work check the settings on your tv

Is a flat screen television needed to use a Wii?

Yes the Wii displays on a flat screen TV. Any flat screen will be able to handle the Wii just fine. If you want better picture quality then you can pick up the component cables and connect the Wii to your television that way. It is actually preferred if you have a flat screen tv.

Can you hook up a DSI to a tv?

No Its Is Highly Impossible,Sorry You can with a special cable you get them off ebay. And if you have a wii it you can put your sd card in it

Will Wii rock band drums work with PS2?

No, it does not have the right connections.

How do I make a Youtube video on a Wii game with good quality I heard you hook a machine up to the Wii but I'm not sure?

I have seen that on youtube also. I think you have to input to your wii web browser. Have a look on youtube yourself.

How do to hook up the second Wii stick to Wii game?

To hook up a second Wii controler you must hit the little red button on both your Wii and your Wii controler.

What do you need to hook up a Nintendo Wii to your old tv?

Just because you dont have AV ports in your tv does not mean its old. You need to buy a AV Cable converter.

Can you hook a Nintendo DS up to a Wii?

No there is currently no way to hook up a Nintendo Ds to a Nintendo Wii system.