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no sexual intercourse.
Do not have body contact when having an outbreak

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Q: How can you keep your partner from Getting Genital Herpes?
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If you have hurpes can you still get pregnant?

Absolutely YES! Genital herpes may be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. This means sex and practically anything else that can lead to sex. This includes kissing, oral sex, anal sex, etcetera. Genital herpes does not keep you from getting pregnant. In fact, if you or your partner have genital herpes you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor can show you how to use safer birth control so you don't pass the herpes virus to each other (or anyone else) and do his/her best to make sure you don't get pregnant. Babies born to mothers with Herpes generally contract herpes when they are born from the vagina. Many times, women with genital herpes are forced to have a caesarean delivery (when they cut her tummy open and get the baby out) just to protect the baby from getting Herpes. This is VERY SERIOUS! See a doctor and learn what to do to protect yourself and your partner and NOT get pregnant until you learn more.

Is it dangerous to get pregnant after you had herpes?

no, but you will have to have a c-section done if you have an outbreak anytime soon before your pregnancy. They have a shot that they will give you at around 30 something weeks I think it might be 36, to keep you from getting an outbreak if you haven't had one yet during the pregnancy. I am assuming that you are talking about genital herpes.

What if you keep getting bv from your partner sperm?

If your BV problem persists, your partner needs to wear a condom.

Can you get herpes from your own cold sores?

The herpes virus is spread by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus.If a person shedding cold sore virus at the mouth performs oral sex on you, you can get genital herpes.You can not get genital herpes from your own cold sores, unless you are very flexible.Many people are under the mistaken impression that the type of herpes that causes cold sores is different from the type that causes genital herpes. This is a myth; herpes types 1 and 2 each can cause oral or genital lesions.One third of the population is unaware that they have the virus, that's why it's being spread so easily. One out of 5 people has the virus, and that number is growing. There is no cure. There are antivirals that are prescribed that keep the number of outbreaks down, but like I said, just because you don't have a sore, doesn't mean you can't get it. Acyclovir and Valacyclovir are the two most prescribed anti-virals.

What if sperms are swallowed?

It is fattening (!) but usually innocuous. It can be associated with catching genital herpes on occasion, even I suppose, AIDS. Instances of immune response have been reported, in investigating women who had difficulty in conceiving a baby after swallowing semen often.

Why do you keep getting reinfected with chlamydia when you know your partner is not cheating?

There is a possibility your symptoms have cleared up, but you are not entirely cured. The antibotics you have been prescribed may not be effective in your case. Has you partner been tested? Get your partner tested. You may be getting reinfected because your partner has chlmydia as well. Your partner may be asymptomatic - has chlmydia but is not showing any symptoms. Also, how do you know you're getting reinfected with chlamydia? If you get tested too soon after treatment, you may be getting a false positive result. If you believe you're reinfected based on symptoms, you may have a second undetected infection.

What is it you can keep after giving it someone else?


Can assault and battery keep you from getting a gun?

Yes, especially if you have been convicted of a crime against a family member/ domestic partner.

Can your doctor tell your boyfriend you have herpes if your pregnant?

Your doctor should not tell anybody that you have herpes. He/she is required to keep your medical condition confidential.

How can you keep your genital area nice and healthy?

By using soap and washing it.

Will domestic violence keep someone from getting a job?

Potentially. Chances are the person isn't allowed to get a job because the person partner doesn't want to have them be able to support themselves. Having a job is independence, which is what the partner doesn't want them to have.

If you and your longtime sexual partner both have HPV would it just keep recycling between each person?

Since our bodies normally clear HPV virus on their own, it is not likely that you'd keep recycling the infection between you. Most of us pick up HPV within months of first sexual activity. Using condoms may reduce the risk, and it's something you and your partner can consider. Getting the HPV vaccine can prevent you from picking up new infection with the subtypes most likely to cause genital warts or cervical cancer. Talk with your health care provider regarding prevention strategies specific to your situation.