

How can you kill a raccoon?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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No need to kill it, relocate it by renting a medium size live trap and take it to the nearest National Park or woodlands. As long as you remove it by 30 miles or so it will not return. Be sure to capture any Kitts it may have if you do this in the spring or early summer.

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14y ago
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8y ago

Raccoons in the wild have a short life span of 2-3 years versus 15 years or more in captivity. Some die of disease and many more from car accidents and hunting. Some are taken by predators such as bobcats, coyotes, cougars and wolves. Young raccoons may fall victim to owls, foxes hawks or other smaller predators.

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15y ago

you need a big cage and lots of attention to give

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14y ago

Don't kill it, please, it didn't do anything to you. Don't make it suffer. Imagine if you were the raccoon. Please never kill a creature. Remember, karma! Sincerely, Brandy Giggs

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13y ago

You say a blessing over them and bury them. Or cremate them and bury their ashes.

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8y ago

Rather than kill it call a professional pest control person and have them trap the animal and relocate it elsewhere.

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8y ago

Call your local sanitation department or animal control to remove the bodies. If that is not possible, carefully bag the dead animal in a plastic trash bag and haul it to the dump.

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8y ago

Contact your local office of Animal Control or a game warden. Some states do not permit the relocation of animals because of the possibility of spreading diseases such as rabies.

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16y ago

Hats, clothing.

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