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-Weight exactly 0,7455 g of ultrapure potassium chloride (KCl) in a weighing bottle, on an analytical balance - Transfer quantitatively the content in a 1 L volumetric flask, grade A - Add approx. o,75 L water (distilled or deionized) - Stir to dissolve all the chloride - Put the volumetric flask in a thermostat at 20 0C - Wait 30 min - Add water (distilled or deionized) to the mark - Stir vigorously - Transfer the solution in a sealed bottle - Add an adequate label on the bottle (date, operator, material, concentration, etc.)

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Q: How can you make a 0.01M potassium chloride standard solution?
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How do you write one thousandth of a meter?

one thousandth of a meter can be written various ways:1mm=.10cm=.01dm=.001M

What are the metric prefixes from kilometer to millimeter and how do you convert them?

Kilometer - km (1000m) Millimeter - mm (.001m) 1km = 1 000 000 mm

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A millimeter is 1/1000th of a meter. Example: 1mm= .001m 715 millimeters to meters- divide 715mm by 1000 and the answer is 0.715.

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1/1,000,000,000 = one billionth = (1/1,000)^3

How do you convert km to cm and cm to mm and mm to m and cL to L?

1 km = 100,000 cm 1cm = 10mm 1mm = .001m Never heard of cL...

Is 100km greater or smaller than 100 001m?

I'm not sure what's meant by the space in your question, so here are two ways to answer it. Assuming a decimal point: 100.001 metres = 0.100001 km, so 100 km is larger. Assuming a comma (thousands separator): 100 km = 100,000 m, so 100,001 m is larger.

Whats the answer to the question on the may1st SAT about the rectangular solid and your given 20 10 and 5 centimeter sides..i dont remember the rest but people who took it know what im talking about?

the answer was 1000. you have to convert the dimensions to meters( so .2, .1, and .05) and multiply them. you get .001 as the result, so the volume of each cube is .001m. multiply by 1000 to get 1m cubed. so 1000 is the answer.

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millimeter (.001m), decimeter (.01m), centimeter(.1m), meter (1m), dekameter (10m), hectometer (100m), kilometer (1000m)millimeter (milli = 1/1000)centimeter (centi = 1/100)decimeter (deci = 1/10)meter (no prefix = 1)dekameter (deka = 10)hectometer (hecto = 100)kilometer (kilo = 1000)

What matter has the strongest force between the particles?

The object that has the biggest mass combined with the biggest acceleration. Isaac Newton's second law states that the force is equal to the mass multiplied by the acceleration. Imagine a rhinocerous charging at you. He has a mass of 4000 pounds. Imagine that he is only charging at you at an acceleration of .001m/s2. The force that he is going to impact on you is a force of 4 lb*m/s2. Imagine a bully in school who is about to punch you. Lets say his hand has a mass of about 1 pound. Now imagine that he is punching you at 5m/s2. The force that he is impacting on you is a force of 5 lb*m/s2. This may be a hard concept to grasp, but the bully is actually putting more force onto you than the rhinocerous is. The force depends NOT ONLY on the mass but also how fast you are applying that mass to an object.

What do you use in the metric system to measure distance?

Well, you can use a meter stick, a metric 'scale' or ruler, a metric pocket tape, a metric electronic distance meter (for surveyors), a GPS receiver in metric mode, a metric micrometer or calipers, and so on. I hope this answers your question. If not, please repost, giving a little more information. :-)

What are the values of the basic metric prefixes?

In decreasing order: x 1024 = Y = yotta- x 1021 = Z = zetta- x 1018 = E = exa- x 1015 = P = peta- x 1012 = T = tera- x 109 = G = giga- x 106 = M = mega- x 103 = k = kilo x 102 = h = hecto- x 10 = da = deca- x 1 = <none> = <none> - the unit itself x 10-1 = d = deci- x 10-2 = c = centi- x 10-3 = m = milli- x 10-6 = μ = micro- x 10-9 = n = nano- x 10-12 = p = pico- x 10-15 = f = femto- x 10-18 = a = atto- x 10-21 = z = zepto- x 10-24 = y = yocto-