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An empty regular soda can will float by itself because of density lower than that of water. The reason it will be lighter than water is that that air will be filled in it.. Now you have not specified wether the can is empty, partially or fully filled.....

The conditions will change.... according to the question...

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Q: How can you make regular soda can float in water?
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it depends on how much salt is in the water. if there is enough, the soda can will float.

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yes, becasue the mixture of water and salt will make the soda can less heavier then the water

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The egg does not float with just baking soda and water you must add a lot of salt to the mixture and then the egg will float.

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An empty,sealed 2 liter soda bottle WILL float in water.

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Can you give me an example of science fair project about density?

Fresh eggs are less dense than water and hence will float whereas old eggs will sink at the bottom of the container filled with water. Similarly, a regular soda can will sink in water and a diet soda can will float on water. Water have a density of 1.00 g/cm3.

What can you make with soda?

An ice cream float and a soda geyser

Why does an egg float in water and baking soda?

An egg floats in water with baking soda because the baking soda increases the density of the water. When the egg is placed in the water and baking soda mix, the weight that it displaces is greater than the weight of the egg itself, which causes it to float.

Would a can of soda float if put in water?

if it was empty and the hole is away from the water

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* wat is the answer is it soad???

Does aluminum soda cans float in water?

Yes, if is empty.