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By not drinking, that is a good and safe way of not getting drunk.

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Q: How can you not get drunk fast?
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How fast can you get drunk on pimm's if you have never been drunk before?

About as fast as on any other drink. Drunkenness is a function of how much alcohol you drink over a short time, not the way drinks are mixed. Alcohol is alcohol.

If you drink water after every beer do you get drunk as fast?

yes i think so

How many units does it take to get drunk?

It depends on the weight of the individual and how fast it is consumed.

Can Whiskey Get You Drunk Faster Then A Can Of Beer?

Yes because of how fast you are drinking. if you could drink a beers in 3 seconds without it you would get just as drunk

What is somthing that will get you drunk fast but tastes good?

long island iced tea... mmm...

How much does it take average man to get drunk?

This depends on many factors. It depends on how much a person weighs, how fast the drunk the drink, and if they ate before or while they were drinking.

How fast does it take for your brain to tell your body what to do?

less that .5 seconds unless your drunk lol.

Is old scotch strong as in does it get you drunk fast?

Scotch is generally bottled at 80 proof no matter how "old" it is. Older Scotch will not get you drunk faster, assuming normal 80 proof bottling.

What is like a g6 about?

It's about getting drunk and girls pretending to get drunk. A G6 is a very expensive and fast jet. when it says like 3 6 it refers to three six mafia.

What are some cheap drinks that make you drunk fast?

I always liked Night Train or Mad Dog when I was on a budget

Does getting drunk off of 7 vodka shots make you a lightweight?

No, it just means that it takes 6 or 7 vodka shots to get drunk. Drink them too fast and it could do permanent damage to your brain.