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Some good tips to protect yourself in a chemical explosion is to be extra careful when dealing with chemicals, plan ahead, don't underestimate risks and be prepared for accidents.

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In case of a chemical explosion, it is important to seek shelter in a safe location, preferably a sturdy building, to protect yourself from debris and hazardous chemicals in the air. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth to reduce inhalation of harmful substances. Follow emergency instructions from authorities and evacuate the area if necessary.

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Is TNT explosion a chemical property?

No, an explosion is a physical property that results from the release of stored energy. The chemical property of TNT is its ability to undergo rapid decomposition in a highly exothermic reaction, leading to the release of gas and heat that causes the explosion.

Is the Westbury chemical explosion real?

I do not have real-time information or updates on specific incidents. It is recommended to check with reliable news sources or official statements for the latest on the Westbury chemical explosion.

Is exploding of fireworks physical or chemical?

The explosion of fireworks is a chemical reaction. It involves the combustion of various chemical compounds within the fireworks to produce heat, light, sound, and colored displays. The reaction is initiated by a physical process, such as a fuse or electronic ignition, but the explosion itself is a result of the chemical reaction.

What should you wear in the lab to protect against cheimcal spills?

In the lab, you should wear a lab coat, safety goggles, and gloves to protect against chemical spills. Additionally, closed-toe shoes are recommended to prevent any chemical spills from coming into contact with your feet.

If the Gasoline explodes is this chemical changes?

Yes, the explosion of gasoline would involve a chemical change. This is because the chemical composition of the gasoline is altered during the explosion as it is rapidly oxidized and reacts with the oxygen in the air to produce heat, light, and gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor.