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Proving fraud is often quite difficult, so this is a very good question.

If you can prove that you were not in the place that the transaction was done, or that goods or services were delivered elsewhere, that helps. This writer, for example, noted that we were in New Hampshire when charges were made in person in California. Sometimes, it is not that easy. The bank and police may have to take a sworn statement from you, witnessed and notarized, saying that you did not make the charges. Most banks are decent about recognizing that the charges are not consistent with your normal patterns. Once you are aware of the fraud, you really should also notify the three major credit bureaus so that the fraudsters cannot open new accounts at any additional stores. We experienced such a deal where the crooks created 7 accounts in 72 hours and tried to do more.

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To prove that you did not commit fraud, you can gather evidence such as documents, receipts, or any other relevant records that can demonstrate your innocence. It is also helpful to present any witnesses who can corroborate your version of events. It is essential to communicate openly with investigators and provide any information or facts that can support your defense.

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