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Get good grades. Be very good at a particular sport. Your high school will have any number of extra activities for which you can win a scholarship. Go online, and look up scholarships, and apply for all of them.

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11y ago

Many scholarships are based on grades earned in high school. They may also take into consideration activities, such as those that help the community. The way to get one is to make the best grades you can and if activities are considered, participate in ones that scholarships might consider.

Other scholarships are based on athletic accomplishments and may also take into account grades and/or other activities. Athletes are awarded this type of scholarship.

For more information, talk to your high school counselor.

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13y ago

Usually to get a scholarship, you have to be really good at something that you could probably get a degree in. You should probably mention all of your achievements, all sports and athletics, clubs you were in, etc..

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13y ago

To increase your chances of getting a scholarship, you must first understand the background of the scholarship foundation and the criteria that they are looking for. When filling out the applications make sure everything is true, complete, and signed (if required). When asked to write short answers or essays, be creative and original to stand out from the pool of scholarship applicants. Submit or mail neat applications, essays, transcripts, or any other additional material needed in a timely manner. If you match the criteria, complete and send all required material before the deadline, then the scholarship committee of judges will consider your application. If you are a great match to the scholarship committee's expectations and if you follow directions, then you can increase your chance of getting a scholarship.

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15y ago

youmust have at least a 3.5 all through high school..or play a sport and excel at it youmust have at least a 3.5 all through high school..or play a sport and excel at it

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11y ago

Apply for them through various organizations. Your college or high school should have a list you can look at with requirements .

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there wil be no * by the score on the PSATS

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If you have a strong score on the PSAT test you can qualify for a National Merit Scholarship. A National Merit Scholarship provides you with $2,500 in money towards a college or secondary education.

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If you need help with the cost of education, you need a scholarship, or two. can help you find scholarships that you qualify for.

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Yes! There is actually a scholarship that in order to qualify you have to wear a duck tape dress to prom. Check out the related link for more information on the scholarship.

Students to whom Scholarship given in uptu?

Any student can qualify for a Scholarship given in Upto university. Simply apply, look at the qualifications, and if the qualifications match that of the prospective student, apply for the scholarship provided.

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I would try and doing research at all the Academic Scholarships possible that you may want to apply for. And then out of the ones you know you can qualify for, see the one that gives the most benefits to you. This is the best way to find the best academic scholarship.

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Women are more likely to qualify for scholarships than men in todays modern society. Men specifically white men have the lowest amount of scholarship opportunities.

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Scholarship opportunities for under-represented sectors of our citizenry. If you know of anyone who might qualify for these scholarship opportunities, please forward this information to them.