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This is kind of a silly answer, but it works. Mercury is Hg. Mercury is toxic, and in a nutshell, mercury poising causes madness. (Think of the mad hatter from Alice and Wonderland - he had mercury poisoning.) Happy gas also makes you be silly. So Hg = Happy gas = silly = mercury.

Hope my silly method helps!

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Q: How can you remember hg means mercury on the periodic table?
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On the Periodic Table, the symbol for Mercury is "Hg." It comes from the Latin/Greek word, "hydrargyrum".

Is mercury on the periodic table?

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The abbreviation for mercury on the periodic table is Hg, stemming from the element's Latin name "hydrargyrum."

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the 2 liquids on the periodic table are Mercury (Hg) and Bromine (Br)

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