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Dissolve in water and crystallize once more. The resulting crystals will be purer,

while the remaining solution will comprise of the dopants + copper sulphate

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Q: How can you separate pure copper sulphate from an impure sample?
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Which methods is used to obtain pure copper sulphate from impure sample and how?

by crystallisation, we can get pure copper sulphate crystals

How can you get copper sulphate from an impure sample?

1. Dissolve the copper carbonate/sulfate salts in water and filter it: the Copper Carbonate is insoluble so it will remain as the residue on the filter paper, and the copper sulfate is soluble so it will pass through the paper as the filtrate. 2. Heat the filtrate in an evaporating basin till the point of crystallization (crystals will form on a rod dipped into the mixture, at the point of crystallization). 3. Leave the filtrate to cool and crystals of pure Copper sulfate will form. Collect the crystals with a spatula and leave them on a sheet of filter paper to dry.

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Lead chloride dissolves in hot water, whereas lead sulphate does not. Mix the sample with hot water and filter off the lead sulphate, then evaporate the water and dry the solid left behind to recover the lead chloride.

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Copper sulphate solution testA simple 5 percent copper sulphate solution, applied in the same way as the water drop test, should confirm the differences between non-stainless steels and stainless steels. A metallic copper coloured deposit should form easily on non-stainless steels, but the solution should remain free of copper colour if the sample is a stainless steel.

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The melting point is an indication of purity.

How do you estimate sulphate ion by nephelo turbidimetric analysis?

Convert sulphate into insoluble form. Most commonly used method for this is reacting the sample with barium chloride in presence of hydrochloric acid. Prepare formazine standards, calibrate nepheloturbidimeter and measure the NTU of the sample. Calculate the concentration of sulphate by extrapolation of the formazine standard curve.

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What will be the result in the recrystallization of an impure unknown sample?

You will get an impure, unknown result because without knowing what's in there you don't have any idea what it's gonna do until it does it. Sorry for the bad answer but it's as good as I can give.

What is the best speed to separate a soil sample in a centrifuge?

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