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It's kind of hard, but I hope this helps:

1. You need to live close to the Los Angeles, California area.

2. You need to take acting lessons.

3. You need to find an agent.

4. You need to look online for casting calls and auditions.

5. Once you find one, you need to travel to it. Make sure you have a good headshot of you.

6. At the audition, you will read a script. Take your time reading, pronounce your words correctly, and just have fun! Plus, don't go overboard with your outfit. They don't want people who 'try to hard'.

7. If you do good, they will call you at home or on your phone saying you will get a call back. Call back means you go back there and they determine if you are good enough to get on Disney Channel.

8. Yay good luck :)

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13y ago
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12y ago

well there is a comerial about that so listen closely to see what each comerial and when you find it call and head to bloomington for the addition

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12y ago

First you need to be a stripper and have LOTS of sex

then u got to cyber

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12y ago

Have plenty of talent, get an agent and go to auditions.

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14y ago

how do i sign up for disney channel?

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