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OK fellow stonier,

First of all: If the bud you get has specs all over it, of any color that could mean it is laced, but there is no sure way to tell what you weed is laced with.

Secondly: It will give off a weird smell if it has been smoked while in contact with your bud (THC And MDMA Reaction) and a different taste too.

Third and final: You shouldn't be Smoking bicks if your smoking weed, its like taking pep pills and sleeping tablets,

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How can you tell if marijuana is laced?

well my opinion would be for one the smell is not the same I can tell when its laced with has like a sweet candy like smell when its being if it has been laced with some checimicall you can tell on the taste of the has like a soure taste.

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me, you, and everyone else man tell you what

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yes they cant do anything to you unless its in your possession.

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If its in solid form(resin)the best way to check its quality is by firstly smelling,tasting.if you are burning it and are left with alot of black parts in the ash instead of soft grey/white ash,the chances are your hash is rubbish(soapbar being the classic crap smoke)..daz

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That's unknown, because the guys that do aren't dumb enough to tell it to the whole world.

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No, they can't . There is a seperate test for it and it can be detected by urine or hair folicle test.

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if weed is laced, the dealer usually tells you because it wastes money to lace it and not make you pay more for it.

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No, it is not. It's white appearance is due to a large amount of white trichomes. If it were laced with crack the dealer would be losing money and you would be able to tell it was laced as soon as you smoked it.

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Does it clean or mask your system?

Dr. Weed~ no smoking marijuana does not help mask or clean you system it just makes it worse.. so if some one tells you to smoke to clean your system tell em to screw themselves and be smarter than them.. listen to Dr. Weed i know marijuana i smoke it myself..