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It is a bit unlikely for the blood clot to be dislodged or getting dry socket 10 days after an extraction. It is however not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

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13y ago

It depends where it is. You might feel a localized sharp pain in the affected area . Usually if something is occluding your head or neck, you will feel pain and pressure in your head like when you are at an unusually high elevation.A deep vein thrombosis in your legs, especially behind your knee is VERY painful and persistent. Do NOT rub these things. You can break them loose. If you suspect this, please see a doctor or go to the ER.

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9y ago

When an extraction from a dentist is performed, a common complication is dry socket. Dry socket is extremely painful and the gum where the blood clot originally was will appear white.

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10y ago

well, you don't. the only way you can tell without a dentist is if you have increasing pain after 24-36 hours.

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Q: What happens if the blood clot falls out after tooth extraction?
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i called my dentist right after that happened to me this morning , he says it happens, and if it gets painful to call him, so your good unless it hurts.

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Most likely blood. Maybe even the gauze.

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If the baby tooth is in good condition and is stable, it may be left alone. If its is not or is an aesthetic issue, then extraction and prosthodontic replacement( implant) may be a better or necessary option.

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Their adult tooth grows in its place. This u normal

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When you have a tooth extracted, the blood needs to clot for healing purposes. Rinsing with salt water can hinder the formation of a blood clot; this is why rinsing is not recommended in the first 24 hours after an extraction.

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Obese people have an increased risk of thrombosis, which is a blood clot traveling through the body, after wisdom tooth extraction.

Blood clot wisdom teeth?

Blood clots generally form after your wisdom tooth extraction within thirty to sixty minutes.

In high blood pressure Pt is tooth extraction is advisible?

No, because of the risk of bleeding post operatively. It is recommended that the diastolic is below 100mmhg before extraction.

What happens if food gets into a tooth extraction hole?

If you get food into a tooth extraction hole, it can cause pain, infection, and decrease the healing time. Your doctor should have given you a syringe that you can use to squirt water into the hole to get any food out.

How long after a molar tooth extraction can you swim?

You should wait at least 4 or 5 days after a molar tooth extraction before you go swimming. This activity can get your blood pumping fast and dislodge the clot giving you dry socket.

What happens if you rinsed and had warm soup after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction leaves a gaping hole in the gum and jawbone structure. The extraction results in bleeding which needs to be prevented. The natural clotting system creates a blood clot in the socket where the tooth was removed, and thus stops the bleeding. Rinsing too soon can dislodge and remove the clot resulting in more bleeding, which can cause stomach upset, and if uncontrolled, loss of too much blood which could be dangerous. It also exposes the wound to possible infection. It is best to follow the instruction "not to rinse" to prevent complications which could be dangerous and expensive to correct. The "no rinse" rule should be included on a standard patient instruction sheet that you get following a tooth extraction. There will be a number of important things on there, like "do not use drinking straws" for a while.