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To determine the range of the temperature data from a graph, you can look at the highest and lowest points on the y-axis, which represent the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value.

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Q: How can you use the graph to determine the range of the temperature data?
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How do you calculate the range in temperature?

To calculate the range in temperature, subtract the lowest temperature from the highest temperature in the data set. This will give you the spread of temperatures from the lowest to the highest in the range.

What kind of data is a temperature reading?

A temperature reading is a type of quantitative data that represents the measurement of heat energy in a specific unit (e.g., Celsius or Fahrenheit). It is continuous data because it can take on any value within a range.

The graph at the top of the second column of page 122 shows a condition in which there is what?

The graph likely shows a relationship between two variables, such as temperature and precipitation. It could illustrate a specific condition, like a drought or a heatwave, depending on the data being represented in the graph.

How do you graph the results of experiments?

To graph the results of experiments, you first need to determine the variables you want to compare and select an appropriate graph type (e.g., bar graph, line graph, pie chart). Then, organize your data in a clear and structured manner before plotting it on the graph. Make sure to label your axes, include units of measurement, and provide a title and legend if necessary to effectively communicate the results.

What kind of graph shows changes to data over time with points connected to each other?

A line graph is used to display data over time with points connected by lines. This type of graph highlights trends and patterns in the data.

Related questions

How should you use the graph to determine the range of the temperature data?

Fnd the lowest value and subtract it from the highest value.

What are the steps in plotting a line graph?

There are seven steps which are: 1. Identify the variables 2. Determine the variable range 3. Determine the scale of the graph 4. Number and label each axis 5. Plot the data points 6. Draw the graph 7. Title the graph

Can the range be the data on the y axis or can the range be the amount of data on a graph?

The y-axis.

Do you need a data file to make a bar graph?

No but you do need a dataset or data range with which to to populate the graph.

Which graph displays continuous data?

A histogram graph displays continuous data. The data is displayed in ordered columns. Example of data that can shown by a histogram graph is time, inches, and temperature.

What would be appropriate to graph the data?

The time and the temperature

Can you make a graph without numbers What if the range is between low and High?

No because a graph is something that shows a range in data. The range can't be 0-0

What interval would be appropriate to graph data?

Hourly temperature

What interval would be appropriate to graph the data?

The time and the temperature

Which graph shows frequency ranges of data histogram bar graph line graph or circle graph?

Histogram which is a type of bar graph. The data is grouped into equal ranges and the bars show how many occurances are in each range.

What scale would be appropriate to make a graph of the data?

It depends on the domain and codomain (range) of he data.

A pair of numbers used to determine the position of a data point on a graph?

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