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The dog howled, a simile of the call of the wolf.

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1mo ago

In a simile sentence, the words "like" or "as" are typically used to compare two unlike things, emphasizing a similarity between them. For example, "He runs as fast as a cheetah" or "Her voice is like velvet."

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12y ago

she is as brave as a lion because she was able to dance in front of everybody.

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12y ago

like and as should always be in one

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3y ago

Hey 👋 I just need some more of a day of life and a day I could go back and then get to my friends on a other day or day one ☝️ I am not going back and I’m not a big part my mom I am a great 👍 is it what a good thing for her I know that is it about me I love 💕 is my birthday.

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What is a simily?

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." It is used to create vivid imagery and help the reader better understand the writer's message by drawing a comparison between two unlike things. For example, "He is as brave as a lion" is a simile comparing someone's bravery to that of a lion.

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Is the pencil danced across the paper a simile?

no, it is personification a simile is when a sentence has "like" or "as"

How do you transform a simile into a metaphor?

In simile, you use the words like, as. For example: "She is cute as a puppy."In metaphor, it does not use the words like, as.For example: "He is a pig."So to transform a simile to a metaphor, you should not use the words, like, as in the sentence.For example:Simile- I eat like a pig.Metaphor - I am a pig.Hope this helps.

He fought like a lion where is the idiom in this?

There are no idioms in this sentence. If something is "like ___" or "as ___ as ___" then you are looking at a simile. Think "similar" and you can remember simile.

Is the sentence will is as strong as an ox a simile?

true and false