

How come bees hibernate?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Hibernation is a way of surviving the cold.

Honey bees do not hibernate - they merely slow down. They form a cluster to keep warm and eat less food. On sunny days some of them may leave the hive for defecation flights.

Bumble bees are different. Only the queen survives and overwinters, and she hibernates to survive the cold.

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Do bee hibernate?

Honey bees do not hibernate. However, they will be confined to the hive in cold weather because they cannot fly if the air temperature is below about 17C (54F). They will cluster together and vibrate their flight muscles to generate heat, keeping the centre of the cluster up to about 98F (37C). Other bees, such as bumblebees, may hibernate through the colder parts of winter, but the length of time will depend very much on the temperature. because of global warming many bees are dying because they come out of the hive around Christmas time cause the winters are milder . in other words, NO

Bees hibernation longer Why?

Some bumble bees hibernate, but honey bees don't. However, bees won't leave the hive if the air temperature is too low (below about 14oC/57oF), so if spring is late or cold this will delay the bees' emergence.

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Honey bees do not hibernate. However, they will be confined to the hive in cold weather because they cannot fly if the air temperature is below about 17C (54F). They will cluster together and vibrate their flight muscles to generate heat, keeping the centre of the cluster up to about 98F (37C). This takes energy, and is why the bees store honey: so they can feed when they can't fly out. Other bees, such as bumblebees, may hibernate through the colder parts of winter, but the length of time will depend very much on the temperature. because of global warming many bees are dyin because they come out of the hive around Christmas time cause the winters are milder

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no, because they are from Australia so they dont have to, because they stay in all warm temputures.

Do bees in Buffalo NY hibernate?

Honey bees don't hibernate as such. When temperatures drop below about 7 degrees Celsius, honey bees cluster together in their hive, (or nest if they are in the wild). The formation of the cluster is constantly changing so that the same bees aren't always on the outside of the cluster and getting cold. They are in a semi dormant state and can withstand temperatures below freezing provided that they have enough food and are dry and sheltered from cold winds entering their nest.

Do Six-lined racerunner hibernate?

Yes they only come out when it is very hot in the summer and in the winter they hibernate.