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I think what people (myself included) loathe about Heidi is her meteoric opinion of herself, how cool she is, and how hot she is. With all honesty, she is beautiful (albeit somewhat plastic looking), but she has the type of beauty that is irritating and corny. It's hard to define, but it gets old quickly when I watch her, unlike when I watch other super models of her time period (90s). Her arrogance and cheeseball personality are so tiring and combine that with her pathetic quest to stay relevant in pop culture is painful to watch (starting with her 'blatant attempt to be cool' marriage to Seal). She had her day in the sun, and over-exposed herself after her time had passed. 15 years ago her looks and youth could get one passed her awful personality, but now it's no longer the case. Give me Christy Turlington or Linda Evangelista anytime- models in their 40s who are still very cool and breathtaking.

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