

How common is show horse abuse?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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It's all a matter of definition. Most horse owners keep them because they like horses. They like to ride, like to be around them and like to care for them. Those horses are generally pampered, well fed and contented. Of course, a few radical animal rights activists would have you believe that horses cannot possibly be contented or well cared for unless they are "in the wild", and that the very fact that they are confined is evidence of their abuse. but some horses are abused because the rider wants to win and the rider will drug the horse to make him respond better or win.

Consider the fact that if they were in the wild, they would be hunted by predators, injured, mal-nourished and have no access to medical attention. For the most part, domesticated horses live far better lives than if they were allowed to run free.

Having said all of that, there are a few screwed up people who starve or otherwise mistreat their horses. They should be treated severely by the law, and not allowed to own animals. Horses are noble animals and have a long history of serving and being served by humanity.

It all depends on the discipline, some disciplines in showing are more prone to horse abuse than others. It also depends on who you are asking.

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