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because you can't progress and you cannot learn many things.

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Q: How could being illiterate be dangerous to your safety?
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How could being illiterate be dangerous?

it can be dangerous because you wouldn't be able to read or write meaning people can take advantage of you just because you cant understand what they are talking about

How could be illiterate be dangerous?

it can be dangerous because you wouldn't be able to read or write meaning people can take advantage of you just because you cant understand what they are talking about

What word means you are bad with technology?

You could say 'computer illiterate', or perhaps 'modern media illiterate'.

What is the purpose of lab safety?

The purpose of lab safety is to keep you safe because some experiments(labs) have dangerous chemicals that could harm you.

Why disobeying safety rules can be dangerous?

Rules are put in for a reason and you could get hurt or die not following them.

What is the prefix for the word literate?

The word literate does not contain a prefix. One could be added, such as ill- forming illiterate.

How could educational programs help the workers and their families?

So families instead of being illiterate, can learn what they need to succeed and get a better job

How can being a military dog be dangerous?

it can be dangerous as it could not know you and as being trained to attack intruders it may attack you and it could give you serious injuries and wounds or even kill you

How can eing illiterate affect us?

when illiterate it can effect your job in the sense that it is about reading or you could get in a worse college than others

When could friction be dangerous?

Friction could be dangerous when it causes excessive heat generation, leading to burns or fires. Additionally, friction could cause wear and damage to moving parts, compromising the safety or functionality of machinery or equipment.

Were roman commoners illiterate?

Not all of them. The poor commoners were illiterate. The rich ones and the middling income ones, instead, could afford an education.

Safety Symbols inside the laboratory?

These could be to warn you of dangerous materials or behaviour. (acids running) They could be to advise of safety procedures. (Fire escape, eye wash, first aid.) They could be to aid you in using safety equipment. (fume cupboard, fire extinguisher)