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Unfortunately, Facebook does not have that function.

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Q: How could you find if someone checked your profile on facebook?
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If you block someone on facebook can they see your posts?

no, you could look at there profile but they cant see yours:)

How can I access my files on facebook without logging on to the official Facebook site?

you can't you have to log into facebook to check your profile otherwise if you could do that then you could read anyones personall profile and then stalk them.

Should kids have a Facebook page?

I personally think that no one under 13 should have a Facebook profile . I made my Facebook profile when I was 14 so I was old enough to understand everything that was happening on Facebook. There are a lot of pedofiles on the web, and kids just don't understand the risk of it.Some girl could accept a friend request from another "little girl" that she doesn't know , and behind that profile there could be a pedofile so you never know. I personally don't think kids should have Facebook profiles out of those reasons,but it's just my opinion and I'd love to hear someone else's opinion.

Could Facebook be used to embarrass a Facebook user who is stalking someone in the real world?

sure, you could make a fake profile for the person getting stalked and add the stalker as a friend. kind of a waste of time if you ask me, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Yes it really could be used for that.

How do you view a strictly private profile on facebook?

You don't. People have the choice to hide their profile from anyone they want. I mean, I guess you could hack if you're a stalker...

What does it mean on Facebook when a persons name says Facebook user?

What it means is that this person had either deleted their account, has blocked you :( i hate it when it happens to me it could mean that you have not signed in to it and your a guest and not a member

How can I get pictures on my Facebook from my friend's Facebook's?

you click on the picture with the right click and save it on your computer and go to your profile .when it says edit picture hit browse and open the file and place it. And that's how you get pictures on ur facebook from ur friends facebook You could do that, but its a bit of a mish. Just tag yourself in it, it will go onto your profile!

What does it mean on Facebook when it says 'profile unavailable sorry this profile is not available at the moment please try again shortly'?

This could be a glitch, or it could be that someone has removed their profile and FB system hasn't updated the user profile directory yet to acknowledge the change. I had instances where both a direct link to a user profile, one with an ID number, displays this message when accessing it, and will also display the same message when using a Browse by Name link that uses a First.last formatted URL for the same user.

How do you get an avatar on wikianswers if you don't have a facebook account?

The only way to do this is to link a Facebook account to your profile. Before you could link it to other social networks such as Google, Twitter, etc.

What are the disadvantages of using Facebook?

anyone can see your profile, and you might get a paedophile, or even maybe a stalker !! You could also get hacked ! This is BAD ! Bullys can accsess your profile, and tagg you in nasty pictures :( Booo !!

How do you redo your profile on facebook?

You could try to update your picture and cover photo, maybe add in interesting details about yourself etc?

How could you send all your farmville money to someone on facebook?

it is impossible to do that.