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You mean, like the crystals you get when you put a seed crystal of sugar on the end of a string and put the string into a saturated sugar solution? (This is how to make rock candy. It's really cool. You should try it.) The longer you leave the crystals in the saturated solution, the larger they'll get.

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You can make it bigger by a little bit more of salt.The salt sometimes combines

to a small/big salt crystal.

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Q: How do you make bigger sugar crystals?
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How would you make bigger sugar crystal?

Big crystals are obtained by a very slow crystallization from very concentrated sugar solutions.

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Can you make crystal from sugar?

yes they are called sugar crystals

How does adding food coloring affect the growth of sugar crystals?

the sugar makes the crystals bigger because crystals r made by sugar and water so the sugar adds more size to a crystal

Why are sugar cyrstals are more dense than salt crystals?

they are because the sugar crystals have syrup on them to make them sweet

Why is it that the more sugar you put in the water the more bigger your crystals are?

Each liquid as a saturation point. At this point the powder(in this case sugar) will stop dissolving and begin to form crystals. The more sugar you the add the more the crystals will stick together and appear larger.

What is a good experiment using sugar cubes and sugar crystals?

i think it does because sugar cubes are shaped like a cube and they are much bigger than sugar crystals . and also it affects the amount of sugar you are putting in the glass and i think using sugar cubes would do a good experiment of dissolving sugar

How could you make sugar crystals?

Kill jhy

How do you make sugar crystals that are blue?

Adding methylene blue to sugar water solution.

What are sugar crystals made for?

From sugar monoclinic crystals.

Is it hard to make sugar crystals?

Medium.Not hard or easy.