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Sometimes your nipples will get darker during pregnancy. This is caused by hormones. Your nipples will go back to their original color once the baby is born.

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No. Pregnancy symptoms will be different for every woman. Some women do not even experience symptoms other than a missed period.

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Q: How dark does gets the breast while you're pregnant?
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It usually takes about 4 weeks. Its different for everyone. I am pregnant right now, and i know i am because of the fluttering in my stomach and my light and dark period. You kno youre pregnant when there is a lot of discharge, and you may feel cramps in your sides. Good luck

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everyone suffer different side effects though there are many common side effects of pregnancy such as tender breast and good glowing skin. i suggest you either go to the doctor or take an at home pregnancy test. have you missed any periods (sometimes people continue to bleed while pregnant though)

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Typically the turkey wing and breast are considered white meat while the leg and thigh are considered dark meat.

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