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Artemis Fowl escaped by taking a sleep pill that stop the bio bomb from affecting them

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Q: How did Artemis Fowl escape the bio bomb?
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Who is Commander Root in the Artemis Fowl book?

well that depends wich Artemis fowl book you are talking about in the first book his plan is to stop time around fowl manor ,give fowl the gold , and use a bio-bomb (also known as a blue blast) to destroy Artemis fowl and his servants than go back and collect the gold.In the second book he joins forses with Artemis fowl to catch a battery feind

What is an unexpected event happened in Artemis Fowl?

It depends which book you mean, or if you mean the whole series. If you just mean the first book, it would be a spoiler because it is the end. If you wish to know, look below SPOILER ALERT Artemis escapes a bio-bomb, but it is hinted that he was to die and that he himself was unsure that his theory would work.

What happened in Artemis Fowl chapter 1?

In chapter nine of the the first Artemis Fowl book 'Ace in the Hole', Commander Root, of the LEP, agrees to give Artemis one metric tonne of gold in exchange Captain Holly Short. Root is not overly worried about this, as he is certain that the 'Bio Bomb' the LEP plan to detonate in Artemis' home will kill all of the inhabitants, allowing the gold to be reclaimed. Butler, Artemis' body guard, is unwilling to further partake in holding Holly ransom, as she saved his life in the previous chapter. Artemis assures him that she will come to no harm, and that she WILL be returned home. Butler is also worried about the Bio Bomb and the safety of his sister, Juliet, but Artemis is confident in his ability to evade death. Butler trusts his judgment. Acting Commander Cudgeon is upset that his plan to kill everyone inside Fowl Manor with a troll was thwarted by Holly, and tries to blame Root for failure. Unfortunately, the disk of the troll attack was 'lost' and he had no proof. He was demoted 'accidentally' shot with a stunning finger gun by Root. The gold is delivered. While Artemis and co. are waiting for the trolley to arrive, Holly tries to get Artemis to surrender in order to save Butler and Juliet from their impending doom. The offer is declined. Artemis declares the gold to be legit, but decides he doesn't need all of it and gives back half return for a wish from Holly. Artemis knocks Butler, Juliet, and himself out with tranquillizer disguised in champagne. The house is bombed. They wake up. They have escaped the time field by changing their state of mind from awake to asleep, and therefore escaped the bomb. The fairies come into Fowl Manor when the time field is still in effect (the Bio Bomb affects only living tissue) and are overcome by nausea, thus confirming that Artemis Fowl had survived and succeeded in being the first human to part a fairy from it's gold. Angeline Fowl, Artemis' mother, comes down from her room for the first time in years. She tells Artemis she is sorry, and that things will be better from now on. The wish Artemis bought from Holly was his mother's health.

What are the conflicts in Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident?

Artemis Fowl is a criminal mastermind, and dicovers the existence of fairies living underground. He tries to steal their ransom fund by kidnapping Captain Holly Short, but a whole bunch of things go wrong. I don't want to give the whole book away, so to find out more you'd better read the book yourself.

What is the summary of Artemis Fowl?

A summary of Artemis fowl would be... ingenious criminal mastermind with the brains of a genious and the imagination of a child- a dangerous combination. He also has a soft side which comes out in some of the later books

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Who is Commander Root in the Artemis Fowl book?

well that depends wich Artemis fowl book you are talking about in the first book his plan is to stop time around fowl manor ,give fowl the gold , and use a bio-bomb (also known as a blue blast) to destroy Artemis fowl and his servants than go back and collect the gold.In the second book he joins forses with Artemis fowl to catch a battery feind

What is an unexpected event happened in Artemis Fowl?

It depends which book you mean, or if you mean the whole series. If you just mean the first book, it would be a spoiler because it is the end. If you wish to know, look below SPOILER ALERT Artemis escapes a bio-bomb, but it is hinted that he was to die and that he himself was unsure that his theory would work.

10 things that Artemis Fowl II does in the 1st Artemis Fowl book that are major parts of the story?

Borrows the Book from a the drunken / poisoned fairy Decodes the gnommish Book and obtains the secrets of the fairy race Kidnaps Holly, a fairy Sets a trap for Root, which involves blowing up a whaler Gives his mother sleeping pills Has a meeting with Julius Root, during which he gives an invitation for the fairy folk to enter once he is dead Asks a wish of Holly in return for half the gold Drugs the champagne he gives himself, Butler and Juliet in order to allow them to escape the timestop and bio-bomb

What happened in Artemis Fowl chapter 1?

In chapter nine of the the first Artemis Fowl book 'Ace in the Hole', Commander Root, of the LEP, agrees to give Artemis one metric tonne of gold in exchange Captain Holly Short. Root is not overly worried about this, as he is certain that the 'Bio Bomb' the LEP plan to detonate in Artemis' home will kill all of the inhabitants, allowing the gold to be reclaimed. Butler, Artemis' body guard, is unwilling to further partake in holding Holly ransom, as she saved his life in the previous chapter. Artemis assures him that she will come to no harm, and that she WILL be returned home. Butler is also worried about the Bio Bomb and the safety of his sister, Juliet, but Artemis is confident in his ability to evade death. Butler trusts his judgment. Acting Commander Cudgeon is upset that his plan to kill everyone inside Fowl Manor with a troll was thwarted by Holly, and tries to blame Root for failure. Unfortunately, the disk of the troll attack was 'lost' and he had no proof. He was demoted 'accidentally' shot with a stunning finger gun by Root. The gold is delivered. While Artemis and co. are waiting for the trolley to arrive, Holly tries to get Artemis to surrender in order to save Butler and Juliet from their impending doom. The offer is declined. Artemis declares the gold to be legit, but decides he doesn't need all of it and gives back half return for a wish from Holly. Artemis knocks Butler, Juliet, and himself out with tranquillizer disguised in champagne. The house is bombed. They wake up. They have escaped the time field by changing their state of mind from awake to asleep, and therefore escaped the bomb. The fairies come into Fowl Manor when the time field is still in effect (the Bio Bomb affects only living tissue) and are overcome by nausea, thus confirming that Artemis Fowl had survived and succeeded in being the first human to part a fairy from it's gold. Angeline Fowl, Artemis' mother, comes down from her room for the first time in years. She tells Artemis she is sorry, and that things will be better from now on. The wish Artemis bought from Holly was his mother's health.

What does Artemis Fowl fight the fairies with?

In the first book, Artemis himself doesn't physically fight the fairies at all, and he actually uses little in terms of weaponry, but he tranquilises Captain Holly Short of the LEP with a hypodermic syringe, if I recall correctly, or rather he has Butler do it. He uses his various CCTV cameras dotted around Fowl Manor against them, at one point an LEP helmet used by himself and Butler, mirrored sunglasses so that the mesmer has no effect of himself, Butler or Juliet. Artemis uses the fairy book including all of their secrets etc. against them. Of course, there's the bomb that he sets off to blow up the whale poacher's ship, which Julius Root narrowly escapes from in search of Holly Short. He also has Butler and Juliet (as well as himself) take sleeping pills to survive the Bio Bomb that the fairies set off.

What are the conflicts in Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident?

Artemis Fowl is a criminal mastermind, and dicovers the existence of fairies living underground. He tries to steal their ransom fund by kidnapping Captain Holly Short, but a whole bunch of things go wrong. I don't want to give the whole book away, so to find out more you'd better read the book yourself.

What is the theme of the Artemis Fowl?

Artemis Fowl has a number of underlying themes, but the most essential of these are greed and the conflict between good and evil. Greed is the first main theme that is introduced into the book and specifically the desire to obtain gold. In a similar manner to other themes in the book, it changes throughout, becoming less of a focus near to the end of the novel, where Artemis is willing to part with a large sum of money to help someone else. The idea of conflict between good and evil is one that is touched upon in the book in a light hearted manner-although Artemis sees himself as an evil genius at the beginning of the book, and it is indeed this image that is portrayed, the end of the story brings this idea into doubt as well when he pays to help his mother. The fairies would take the good side in this view, but this can also be questioned-they are as determined as Artemis to achieve their goals and while only some of them were willing to ruthlessly deploy a troll, regardless of the possible danger to life, all are willing to utilise a bio-bomb once Holly is out of the mansion to force Artemis into submission.Ever look at wikipedia?

How do you use the bio bomb butt kicker in prototype 2?

The code for the Bio-Bomb Butt kicker is printed on the recet you got for pre ordering prototype 2

What is the summary of Artemis Fowl?

A summary of Artemis fowl would be... ingenious criminal mastermind with the brains of a genious and the imagination of a child- a dangerous combination. He also has a soft side which comes out in some of the later books

What is the climax of Artemis Fowl the lost colony?

Well, pretty much what happened was when they were coming back from Limbo, they went a few years ahead of what was originally planned. So pretty much they weren't around for a few years. Artemis was dropped off at butlers' private place, and Artemis is informed his parents have moved on and had twins. he decides he has to use the magic he has left from the time tunnel to make his parents forget he was gone for 3 years.

What is emotional escape?

Emotion is a state of the mind due to socio-psychological physical embed response or even bio chemical factor in the blood stream . Emotional escape is the purging of that mental state in free outbursts, diverting your mental state or lowering the bio chemical inducing factors in your body.

What is the bio-poem for the goddess Artemis?

There is a haiku... Green grass breaks through snow. Artemis pleads for my help. I am so awesome. [Later changed to "I am so cool"]. Of course, this was made by Apollo himself. Others may beg to differ about its truth.