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Q: How did Brian get the idea to catch fish in hatchet?
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What was brian's second idea to catch fish in the book hatchet?

He held his home made spear with the fish on the end and held it over the fire.

What is the point of view of the book hatchet?

Hatchet is told in the third person omniscient point of view.

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of guts the true story behind hatchet and the Brian books?

The central idea of the first paragraph of "Guts: The True Story Behind Hatchet and the Brian Books" is to introduce the author, Gary Paulsen, and recount a specific incident from his childhood that inspired his writing of the "Hatchet" series. It emphasizes the real-life experiences and challenges that shaped Paulsen's storytelling and his connection to nature.

Which page is the word hummocks found in the book hatchet?

The word "hummocks" is found on page 69 of the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It is described as the lumpy ground Brian encounters while landing the plane.

What is brains first meat In the Book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the first animal that Brian catches and eats is a turtle. He struggles with the idea of killing and eating it, but ultimately chooses to in order to survive.

Where in the book hatchet is the word hummocks?

The word "hummocks" is mentioned in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen when Brian describes the terrain he sees after the plane crash. Hummocks are described as small hills or mounds of land that Brian encounters while trying to navigate through the wilderness.

How does Bryan get out the plane in the book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the protagonist's name is Brian, not Bryan. In the story, Brian Robeson is a young boy who survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness and must learn to survive with only a hatchet. When Brian finds himself alone in the crashed plane, he initially struggles to get out. He realizes that he needs to break the window, but the material is too tough for him to break with his hands. After some attempts, Brian comes up with the idea to use the hatchet his mother gave him as a gift before he boarded the plane. With the hatchet, he breaks the window, allowing him to crawl out of the wreckage and begin his journey of survival in the wilderness. The scene where Brian uses the hatchet to escape the plane is a pivotal moment in the story, as it marks the beginning of his struggle for survival and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

Which fish would be best able to catch fish that is hiding on the seabed?

If you live in The U.S.A. using live fish except for guppies is illegal or at-least where I live. Other than that I really have no idea.

How does Brian's encounter with the porcupine illustrate that both good and bad can come from an incident?

Brian's encounter with the porcupine shows that even though it led to a painful experience due to him being quilled, it also resulted in him learning how to make tools and use resources efficiently to remove the quills. It highlights the idea that challenges can present opportunities for growth and learning.

How did Brian solve his problem in Hatchet?

Brian used his knowledge, resourcefulness, and determination to overcome his challenges in the wilderness. He learned to make fire, find food, build shelter, and signal for help, ultimately surviving until his rescue. Through perseverance and adapting to his environment, Brian was able to solve his problems and ultimately endure his time in the wilderness.

Point of view in hatchet by Gary paulsen?

"Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen is written in third-person limited point of view, focusing on the protagonist Brian Robeson's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This allows readers to deeply connect with Brian's struggle for survival in the wilderness after a plane crash.

What was the significance of the hatchet in the book Hatchet?

The hatchet symbolized survival and self-reliance for the main character, Brian, in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It was his most important tool for finding food, building shelter, and making fire while he was stranded in the wilderness. The hatchet also represented Brian's ability to adapt and overcome challenges in order to survive.