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Cleopatra was reinstalled on the throne by Julius Caesar.

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Q: How did Cleopatra regain her power?
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Who helped Cleopatra regain her throne in Egypt?

Julius Caesar established Cleopatra on the throne.

What happened after Cleopatra's father died?

Problems happened after Cleopatra's father died. In his will he stated that Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII were to be co-rulers under the protection of Rome. Cleopatra tried to take over and push her brother aside. Her brother and his supporters, with the blessings of the people of Alexandria, usurped the power from Cleopatra and she had to flee the city. It was only after Caesar's arrival that she was able to regain her power.

How did Cleopatra regain her throne the second time?

She made Cesaer her protector

When did Cleopatra regain her thorne after they removed her from it?

Cleopatra regained her throne in 47 BC when Julius Caesar firmly established her as ruler after the Alexandrian war.

When Did Cleopatra the queen rule?

Cleopatra VII ruled from 51BC to 30BC. She was the last monarch to rule over an independant Egypt. The country did not regain its independance until 1922AD.

How did Cleopatra rise to power?

Cleopatra rose to power when Julius Caesar set her up on the throne.

Who killed Cleopatra VII power?

Cleopatra. She commited suicide.

When was Cleopatra removed from power?

Cleopatra was completely removed from power in 30 BC when Octavian entered Alexandria.

What happened to the Senators when they tried to regain power of Rome?

The senators went politically weak when they tried to regain power of Rome. They lost most of its political power and prestige.

Did Cleopatra's father have a will?

Cleopatra's father did have a will. His will was to leave the power and the kingdom to Cleopatra and her younger brother. Then, Cleopatra was only 18 and her brother was only 12

What are Cleopatra weaknessess?

she is weak to power

Did Cleopatra date octavian as well?

No, Cleopatra did not date Octavian. They were enemies and rivals for power.