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Q: How did Dr evil get the scar on his face?
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In Lion King who is scar?

Scar is the villain of the Lion King. Scar is the evil lion who killed Mufasa. Scar wants to be king.

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1,000,000 DOLLARS (dr. evil face)

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The cast of The Legend of Scar-Face - 1910 includes: Frank Lanning as Scar-Face - the Indian

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i saw a scar on the girls face

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What is a limestone scar?

the face of a cliff

What are the release dates for Your Witness - 1949 The Face with the Scar?

Your Witness - 1949 The Face with the Scar was released on: USA: 2 August 1950

What are the names of the bad lions?

In the original Lion King movie, the evil lion is Scar, who teams up Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, who are hyenas. In Lion King 2, the evil lions are Zira, (Scar's mate,) Nuka, (Zira's son,) and Vitani (Zira's daughter.) For a while, Scar's heir, Kovu, is evil, but he becomes good. Kovu is the adopted son of Scar and Zira.

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scar face

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on what island

Why is his nickname scarface?

Because he had a scar on his face.

What is the duration of Face of Evil?

The duration of Face of Evil is 1.45 hours.