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Eva heart din't die in RMS Titanic.

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Q: How did Eva hart from the RMS titanic die?
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When did Musicians of the RMS Titanic die?

Musicians of the RMS Titanic died on 1912-04-15.

How did edward john smith die?

Edward John Smith was a captain of RMS Titanic and died with sinking ship.

How many surviving people are left from the titanic?

As of this year, 2010, all suriviors of the RMS Titanic have died. The last survivor to die was Millvina Dean on May 31st of 2009. She was nine weeks old when the Titanic sank and was 97 when she died. She was the youngest survivor of the Titanic.

Did people die on the rms titanic?

yes, two times: One time was before she was completed. 2 people died this time. The second time was the ship's sinking. 1,514 people died this time

Did Tom walker die in the Titanic?

no he is not die in titanic

Who died with his wife on the titanic?

There were a lot of married couples, husbands and wives, who died on the RMS Titanic, which did not have lifeboats for everyone (or binoculars for lookouts in the crow's nest to look for icebergs!). Possibly the most famous married couple who died on the RMS Titanic were Ida and Isidor Strauss. While Ms. Strauss could have gotten on a lifeboat, she knew there weren't enough for everyone, and that her husband was going to die, and so she stayed on board and they died together along with 1500 other people, who mainly froze to death in the icy waters.

Did Carey Hart Die?

no Carey hart didnt die but sadly it was his brother tony RIP.

Did Bruce ismay die on the titanic?

No. He sneaked onto a lifeboat that was just about to be lowered

Did Bret Hart die?

No, Bret Hart is still alive.

When did Steve Hart die?

Steve Hart died in 1880.

When did Ephraim Hart die?

Ephraim Hart died in 1825.

When did Hart Massey die?

Hart Massey died in 1896.