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It's the tear that did it. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, but it's a fairytale and impossible things happen.

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Q: How did Flynn come back to life in Tangled?
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No, he doesn't. Rapunzel's tears bring him back to life

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It will not come back to life.

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no he does not come back to life on drawn to life but he does come back on drawn to life the next chapter.

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that on rapunzel's mobile, when shes a baby, its a timeline on her life. You see there is a horse (maximus), there is a chamelion (pascal) there is a duckling ( from the snuggly duckling) and there is a cherub (when the guy in the snuggly duckling dressed up as a cherub). Thats what I learned from tangled. Also Flynn Rider/ Eugene Fizherbert is 26!

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No. It is impossible for anything to come back to life.

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well you can come back to life but as an animal or a baby

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No. Once something dies they can never come back to life.

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No frozen things are dead and they don't come back to life.

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After you die, if you have a happy life, you come back as a human. But if you have a bad life you come back as an animal.

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The cast of The Life and Times of Jacob Flynn - 2012 includes: Joseph Batzel as Grandpa