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Q: How did George Washington Carver invent glue?
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Who invented sweet potato glue?

George Washington Carver, among hundreds of inventions, find a way to make glue out of sweet potatoes.

How did George Washington Carver use peanuts to make glue?

George Washington Carver used peanuts to make glue by extracting the oil from the peanuts and then heating and mixing it with other ingredients like resin or glycerol. The resulting mixture would harden into a sticky substance, which could be used as glue. Carver's work on peanuts and their byproducts helped to promote their economic value and diversified the uses for this crop.

What year was the glue have been invented?

i invent glue every year

What are some inventions george carver created with the discovery of the peanut?

Peanut Butter is one; another invention that doesn't involve the peanut is canned milk.

When did Matt elmer invent elmers glue?

The likes of this I have no idea, but I will some day - in my garden.

What did Dr Harry Coover accidentally invent in the early 1950's?

Super glue

Who invent super glue and how?

Dr. Harry Coover invented super glue by chance while he was working with other products at 3M factory during 1942

Who invented the first glue gun?

George Shultz

Why did George Washington Carver's sister name?

The sister of George Washington Carver was Sarah A. Carver Burnett. She was born in 1875 and passed away in 1955. Carver also has six brothers. They were William, James, Eli, Thomas, Hugh, and Jacob.

What did Charles Elmer Hires invent?

Charles Elmer Hires invited Elmer's glue, which he found when he accidently mixed his lotion with his sperm.

What is George Washington Carver famous for?

Smart, Independent, Brave, Persuasion, Perseverance