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He was an engineer who took a practical approach to the problems during the "Great Depression". He wanted to see a nation built of farmers and home owners.

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Q: How did Hoover's philosophy shape his approach to the Great Depression?
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President hoovers overall plan to deal with the great depression was to?

allow voluntary actions to resolve it

What was Roosevelts approach to the Great Depression?

roosevelts approach to the great depression was that he was ready to experiment with governments actions to deal with the nations crisis

How did the economy respond to hoovers efforts?

Hoover bailed out the failing banks and big businesses with Federal money. The result was a market crash, and the Great Depression.

What are hoovers?

A Hoover pocket, also called a Hoover flag, was when people would pull out the flaps of their pockets to show that they had no money. It originated from the Great Depression.

Why do you think voters did not listen to Hoovers ideas about government?

beacuse during great depression they blamed him for it so great

Why wasn't Herbert Hoover's approach to ending the Great Depression successful?

He was voted out of office before his plan could work. It takes some time to end a great depression.

How did Hoovers belief in rugged individualism shape his policies during the Great Depression?

Hoover's belief in rugged individualism shaped his policies based on self government and equal opportunity with little charity.

What were hoovervilles?

Hoovervilles were shantytowns during President Hoovers term also during The Great DepressionYes, they were places where homless, jobless people lived. They consisted of small shacks. This was during the 1930's (The Great Depression)

Why did Americans support Franklin Roosevelt in 1932?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1932 because voters really believed that he could take the country out of the Great Depression. His ideas were much more popular than Hoovers.

Why was there resistance to federal government intervention in the early years of the Great Depression?

Hoover's predecessors had taken a hands-off approach to business, which he agreed with.

Why were the American people unhappy with President Hoovers's decisions around the time of the Great Depression and New Deal?

Hoover was in charge when the stock marketcrashed, and firmly believed that the market would correct itself. Thus he didn't do much of anything, which failed spectacularly, and FDR was able to win the election easily and then implement the New Deal which helped slow and eventually reverse the Great Depression.

Where did the Great Depression?

Where did the great depression.... WHAT???-The BOLD explainer ;)