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Q: How did Hudson feel when he reached the ice and had to turn around what do you continue to explore?
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Wher did Henry Hudson explore?

Henry Hudson explored what is now know as Canada specifically around the Hudson bay, as it is named after Henry Hudson himself.

What area of Canada did Henry Hudson explore?

Henrey Hudson explored around New york and discovered the Hudson river.

What year did Henry Hudson explore New York?

Henry Hudson explored during the time of the 1600's-1620's i promise you all this is no lie i made a report of Henry Hudson .......................................................................

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Vikings reached as far as what is now Newfoundland sometime around the year 1000, long before Columbus.

What country did Henry Hudson sail to?

Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator in the early 17th century. After several voyages on behalf of English merchants to explore a prospective Northeast Passage to India, Hudson explored the region around modern New York City while looking for a western route to Asia under the auspices of the Dutch East India Company. He explored the Hudson River and laid the foundation for Dutch colonization of the region.

Where is hudson from?

Navigator Henry Hudson was born in England around 1565.

Where is Hudson?

Navigator Henry Hudson was born in England around 1565.

Did you go around and explore the moon what did you find?


Who owned the territory around the Hudson bay in 1763?

I'm pretty sure the French owned the territory around Hudson Bay in 1763.

Which region wraps around the Hudson Bay?

The region that wraps around Hudson Bay is the Canadian Shield. This geological formation covers a vast area of eastern and central Canada, and its rocky terrain surrounds Hudson Bay on its north, east, and southeast sides.

Land claimed by England around Hudson Bay?

Well, Hudson bay is named after Henry Hudson, who claimed land around the river for the Dutch, but it's not really said who claimed the land for the English.

Why did Alexander the great turn his forces around when he reached India?

Alexander wanted to continue east of India but his soldiers were tired of the long campaign (12 years) and wanted to come home.