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unquestioned discipline of the Japanese soldiers and civilians!

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Q: How did Japanese imperialism affect World War 2?
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How did the Russo Japanese war affect japans attempt to extend its imperialism?

The war qualified Japan to commence Imperialism; it demonstrated that they had the means and skills to do it.

. How did the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 affect Japan's attempt to extend its imperialism?

Japan broadened it's sphere of influence to include to Korea

What event marks the beginning of Japanese imperialism in World War 2?

bombing in pearl harbor

How did the russo Japanese war 1904 affect Japan's attempt to extend its imperialism?

Japan broadened it's sphere of influence to include to Korea

How did the russo Japanese war of 1904 affect japans attempt to extend its imperialsm?

By the time the Russo-Japanese war had ended, Japan's control stretched to Afghanistan and Russia. In winning the war, the Japanese army and navy were able to continue attempts in extending the Imperialism of Japan.

Imperialism in a sentence?

Japanese imperialism projected them into World War 2 in 1941; after the war the nation adopted a constitution and approach which put this behind them, to become a peaceful democracy.

How did the Japanese military cause World War I?

They didn't. The Japanese conflicts occurring just before and during World War 1 had no impact on the European war; this was caused (at least basically) by imperialism and nationalism, combined with aggressive expansion attempts by some groups.

How did the attack on Sydney by the Japanese during World War 2 affect the outcome of the war?

It didnt really affect the war that much. the attack was to small to affect it very much.

How did World War 2 affect Japanese home front?

They lost all their rice

How was the Commonwealth of the Philippine affected the World War 2?

It affect the Commonwealth of the Philippines by the Japanese Era. The Japanese bring the World War II to the U.S, they bombed the Pearl Harbor which is the U.S property. They bring the war to the U.S, the war affect us because we are property and part of the U.S that time.

What started World War 1 - Imperialism-Nationalism- Militarism or Expansionism?


How did concerns about internal security affect the us after World War 2?

that they will be worried about the Japanese and the atomic bomb or a new world war 3