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Kentucky acquired the name Kentucky Bluegrass because of its bluegrass. Not all grass in Kentucky is bluegrass. Bluegrass grows heavily in the central part of the state, and becomes more sparse in the further areas. When you're in an area where all the grass is bluegrass, you can't tell that it's bluegrass, because it really is green. But - in parts of the state where the bluegrass is more sparse, you can look out over a grass-covered area and notice that certain patches have a blue-ish tint. Then can you really tell the difference in bluegrass and green grass.

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14y ago

it got the name bluegrass from a genre of music they play there

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Does Kentucky have an official name?

the bluegrass state

Is Kentucky bluegrass a bunchgrass?

I believe Kentucky bluegrass in not a bunchgrass. However, a bunchgrass that is very similar to Kentucky bluegrass is Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda).

What state is known for bluegrass?

The state of Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State. It is so named because there is an abundance of bluegrass that is found all over the state.

Which of these states are most closely associated with bluegrass music?

Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass state, and Bill Monroe was from Kentucky (his band was called The Blue Grass Boys), that's how it got its name.

What is the Nickname of Kentucky?

Kentucky's official state nick name is "The Bluegrass State." Other nicknames are Dark and Bloody Ground, Hemp State, the Rock-Ribbed State and the Tobacco State. Bluegrass is not really blue--it's green--but in the spring, bluegrass produces bluish-purple buds that when seen in large fields give a rich blue cast to the grass. Early pioneers found bluegrass growing on Kentucky's rich limestone soil, and traders began asking for the seed of the "blue grass from Kentucky." The name stuck and today Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State.

Why is Bluegrass Music called bluegrass?

Bill Monroe named his band the Bluegrass boys. The phrase "bluegrass" was taken from the name of his band. The "bluegrass" referred to is a type of grass that grows in Kentucky.

What state is associated with bluegrass music?

The Bluegrass states were North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. To remember them, know that all five states border each other and they're near the Atlantic Ocean.

How did Kentucky get the name 'show me' state?

Kentucky isn't the "Show me" state. Kentucky is the "bluegrass" state. Missouri is the "Show me" state.

How did Kentucky get it nickname?

Kentucky's nick name is the bluegrass state. It got its name because of its grass. The grass is not tecnically blue, but its a close color to blue.

Does Kentucky have a nickname?

The Bluegrass State. The name "Bluegrass" comes from the color of the seed heads of Poa grass, which grows in the region.

Where is the Bluegrass state?

Kentucky's nickname is "The Bluegrass State"

What is Bluegrass known for?

Kentucky is known as the "Bluegrass State"