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He was one of the most important contributors to the birth of commercial electricity and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


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Q: How did Nikola Tesla's discoveries affect us?
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What is nikola teslas culture?

He was a Croatian Serb who immigrated to the US.

When and how did nikola teslas siters die?

The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

How do new scientific discoveries affect your every day life?

New discoveries affect our lives in that; we have more stuff that helps us do our daily activities faster and more efficiently. New discoveries also affect employment because they use machines to replace human employment.

Where did Nikola Tesla settled in the US?

New York

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The discoveries of the last century have led us to the society that we have today.

When did Nikola Tesla become a us citizen?

On 30 July 1891, Nikola Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

Has electricity ever been free in the US?

Yes, when Nikola Tesla was around.

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The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

When did democritis tell us his discoveries?

around 430 B.C.

How do nikola teslas contributions benifet us today?

Tesla was a different kind of person, inventor and genius. He was a pioneer of electrical apparatus, methods,and principles which continue to influence every aspect of our electrical world. He invented the alternation current generators that light up the world today. He also invented the electric car engine started. He came with the basis of wireless communication, radio, x rays and remote control.

When did Nikola Tesla's mom died?

Nikola Tesla's mother, Georgina Tesla, passed away in 1892. Nikola was deeply affected by her death and it had a lasting impact on him throughout his life.