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they killed the rainyconrs and they learnd airbending in the spring

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Katherine Paredes Ji...

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11mo ago

Por una forma de expresarse

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11y ago

By via stories

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3y ago

Because they era very inteligents

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no se

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Q: How did Ojibwa use legends to explain things in nature?
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Why did Ojibwa use legends to explain things in nature?

becuse nhgh

Why did Indians tell legends?

to anwser things they cannot explain

What are some words that start with A and have to do with Ojibwa?

things that have to do with Ojibwa and start with A

What is the purpose of the myths and legends?

I dont know, i guess it's just for you to read for fun or if you are spiritual or something. It's to explain natural things in nature that people didn't understand, or in Native American culture it was to teach children lessons.

What do dream time stories explain?

they can mean all sorts of things such as to send a message to people, telling of myths and legends or explain history about people or the earth

Is there any proof that legends are real?

None. Legends were used to explain things to man and how they worked. This comes from a time before science and yet man still had questions. He made up legends to give reasons for what happened to him and around him.

Why have the maoris made up the legends?

The Maori legends serve as a way to explain and preserve their history, culture, and beliefs. They also help pass down important teachings, values, and traditions from generation to generation. Additionally, these legends often contain moral lessons and offer insights into the Maori worldview.

Are myths and legends alike?

miths and legonds are different miths are things that were created to explain things legonds however are usually made up for the fun of it

What is the purpose of Samoan legends?

They're like myths. They explain things and tell of importance and about the past. They're to Samoa like the Greek gods and goddesses are to Rome.

What is a 'porquoi tale?

Pourquoi [por-kwa] means "why" in French. Pourquoi tales are written to explain why things are the way they are and usually describe something in nature, especially animals. Pourquoi tales are old legends told to explain why certain events happened. These tales often start in the past and end when the explanation is revealed.

Can you help me write a myth story for school but it has to have nature work and why something is the way it is?

First you have to do your homework -- list all of the things that you can think of which would have an explanation of why they are the way they are. Now you just have to pick one and think up a myth to explain why it's that way! Read some myths and legends to see how this is done.

How did the scientific change the way people viewed nature?

abstract reasoning was used to explain how things happened nova net answer