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When he was testing radio transmission using microwaves, he observed that one of his chickens was cooked to perfection. He realised that this was a very energy efficient way of heating things so he thought that he would put it to good use.

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a candy bar melted in his pocket

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Q: How did Percy Spencer invent the microwave?
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What African American invented microwave?

Percy LeBaron Spencer - he was an American

What nationality is Percy l Spencer?

white British. if you're american British is not English, Britain is the UK.

What date did Percy L.Spencer invented the microwave oven and magnetron?

If I'm not mistaken, the first microwave unit was built in the Motorola labs while experimenting on a new radio technology. The person working on the device got too close to the magnetron (the microwave tube) and had a Hershey bar which he was holding in his back pocket and then the choclate bar melted melt. That also was a clue that microwave ovens were possible.

What was Percy L. Spencer's nationality?

US inventor Percy L. Spencer (1894-1969) was born in Howland, Maine.

Who invented the Microwave and what year was it invented?

Who invented the microwave? Huh? That's like asking who invented water or sunshine. Microwaves are radio waves with wavelengths that range from about one meter to as short as one millimeter, with frequencies between from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. If you're asking who invented the microwave oven, it was Dr Perry Spencer, after accidentally discovering that microwaves can heat food. In 1945 he was an engineer working for Raytheon, working on a radar set that used high power microwaves, and noticed the Mr Goodbar in his pocket started to melt. The first food to be purposely cooked by microwaves was popcorn, and later on an egg, which exploded in the face of someone helping him. He later fed microwaves from a magnetron into into a metal box and saw that it heated food rapidly. Raytheon filed a patent for the microwave cooking process on October 8, 1945.

Related questions

What did Percy LeBaron Spencer invent?

The Microwave

What did Percy L Spencer invent?

Percy L. Spencer invented the Microwave Oven

When did Percy l Spencer invent the microwave?

in 1945 .

What was Percy lebaron Spencer famous for invent?

the microwave

Why did Percy l Spencer invent the microwave?

to heat food

What year did Percy Spencer invent the microwave oven?

in 1884

Who invent the microwave in World War 2?

Percy LeBaron Spencer

When did Percy L Spencer invent the microwave oven?

January 24, 1950

Where did Dr Percy Spencer invent the microwave?

Raytheon Corporation, where he was actually trying to invent some kind of appliance for the war.

What year did Dr Percy Spencer invent the microwave?

Dr. Percy Spencer invented the microwave in 1945. He noticed that a candy bar in his pocket had melted after standing in front of a magnetron, leading to the development of the microwave oven.

Did Percy lebaron Spencer invent anything eles than the microwave?

a computer, PC games, and your mom

Who is the inventor of the microwave oven?

Percy Spencer