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Justin Johnson

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Q: How did Powell fight for equality?
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What is a sentence using the word equality?

Women still fight for workplace equality. Equality under the law is an ideal of American society.

What role did Winnie Mandela play in the struggle for equality?

She devoted her self to fight for struggle and equality for all.

What organization was founded by pacifists in 1942 to fight racism through peaceful confrontation?

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was founded in 1942 as the Committee of Racial Equality

How did Ruby Bridges impact the movement and or fight for racial equality?

she went to the school

When did martin Luther king jr begin to fight for equality begin?


What are civil rights leaders?

People who lead others in a fight for equality amongst everyone.

Did martin Luther king fight for black or white?

black for African-American equality

Why girls still need to fight for equality?

Girls need to fight for equality because in the world more than half the countries think girls should get married as soon as possible so that they sit and help in the household work and not study

How did independence lead to greater social equality in America?

Independence lead to greater social equality in America because during the fight for independence rich and poor fought together. Women were gained more equality after the war too.

When was colin Powell sent to fight?

Powell served two combat tours in the Vietnam war, first tour in about 1961 as a captain and the 2nd tour as a major with the 23rd infantry in 1967, wounded twice.

Why did they fight for during the civil rights movement?

For the rights for equality among African American's to whites.

What method was recommended to help African Americans achieve equality?

There were many method's recommended but WEB DuBois thought that they should fight for there rights and equality. Booker T. Washington believed that they should get an education and work their way up to equality.