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Q: How did Spain benefit from the conquest and colonization of the Americas?
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What motivated 'Spain's' conquest?

for the gold of the Americas

What were the positive conseqeunces of Spain's exploration of the Americas?

How did exploration of americas benefit spain?

What were the causes and effect s of Spain's conquest in the Americas?

have sex with me you hot girls

Did Spain gain profit from the fall of the Aztecs?

Yes, Spain profited from the fall of the Aztecs. It was a very important factor in their colonization of the Americas.

What was the result of the spanish colonization of the Americas?

Spain was able to establish colonies in large areas of both continents.

When did Europe start colonizing in the Americas?

Spain and Portugal started colonizing the Americas around 1500.

How did Spain spread its language and religion around the world?

Spain spread its language and religion throughout the world (primarily the Americas) through colonization and forcible conversion.

How did Spain's conquest of central Mexico and the Andes shape European competition in the Americas?

America has brought change to the world. This is something that Spain, Mexico and European could not do.

What is the effect of Spain seeking a western route to Asia?

The primary effect of Spain's seeking a western route to Asia was the discovery of the Americas and the eventual European conquest of them.

Why didn't Spain's economy benefit from the gold and silver from the Americas?

Spain's economy didn't benefit from the gold and silver from the Americas because although it did make Spain wealthy for some time, it caused the value of their money to drop and as the demand of physical elements increased, so did prices (inflation) causing Spain's economy to fail

What was Balboa's purpose?

The general purpose of explorer and colonist Vasco Nunez de Balboa (c. 1475-1519) was to further his own and Spain's national interest through conquest and colonization of portions of the Americas in the early 16th century. The most famous and important portion of his effort was an attempt to locate (and then claim for Spain) the 'South Sea' -- the Pacific Ocean -- which he successfully accomplished in 1513, thereby becoming the first known European to set eyes on the Pacific from across the Americas.

How did Spain conquest affect the economic and social development of the Americas?

The social and economic development ruined the Americans by being kicked out of their homes and forced to marry the Spain's men because their were no Spanish women that came on the journey with them