

How did Vikings feel about death?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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15y ago

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They looked forward to death in battle.

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Q: How did Vikings feel about death?
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The vikings if they had a peaceful death then they would go to viking heaven (vallhaller) if it was not a peaceful death the they would go to viking hell. Posted by Annie Armstrong

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Yes, in a way. The Vikings settled down in areas all over Europe from Greenland to Sicily to Russia and Constantinople. In the end Vikings became Christinized and Feudal matching the institutions of mainland Europe. By 1347 the Vikings were changed into new paradigms and adopted local customs and married into local populations. So when the Plague hit their terretories in 1347-1353, they too were affected by the great death that claimed anywhere from 1/5 to 1/3 of Europe (Historians debate the #).

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