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On the night of April 14, 1914, the Titanic was warned several times that it was heading into an ice zone. Captain Edward J Smith was making his final voyage before retiring at the age of 62. He spent a lot of time plotting a safe course, but he did not reduce the speed of the ship.

Contrary to popular myth, Smith was not attempting to establish a new speed record, as the Titanic could not travel as fast as its primary competitor the Cunard liners. Maintaining speed in the vicinity of ice bergs was standard and accepted practice for captains of all liners. Incredibly, this was done simply to meet scheduled mail deliveries!

Moreover, the sea was calm, visibility was good as the sky was clear and full of stars, and so the ship had plenty of time to spot and elude any obstacles in the ship's path. As a routine precaution, Smith steered the ship 16 miles to the south, and ordered the lookout to watch for icebergs.

At approximately 11:40 p.m. the lookout saw what he believed was a small iceberg directly ahead. Two minutes passed, the ship grew closer, and he realized that the ice berg was much larger than he originally thought. Then he sounded the warning bell, but it was already too late.

The Titanic sideswiped the iceberg on the right or starboard side of the ship. The collision produced a series of gashes and holes along 250 feet of the hull below the waterline. Five of the ship's forward compartments were severely damaged. By the time Captain Smith made his inspection the ship was already massively flooded. The Titanic had about two hours before it sank.

Immediately, Smith ordered the lifeboats uncovered and the passengers awakened. To avoid panic, Captain Smith told the crew to tell the passengers that the lifeboats were downloaded as a precautionary measure.

At 12:45 a.m. the crew began to load and lower the lifeboats into the water. Women and children boarded the life boats first.

As the Titanic's compartments filled with water one by one, the bow slowly sank and pulled the stern of the ship upward and out of the water. In the rush following the collision, the stewards did not have enough time to open all the gates separating the passengers in the ship. This left many of the third class passengers trapped below the decks where they drowned.

On the upper decks, panic stricken passengers begged for a space on a lifeboat, while others accepted their fate, said good bye to their wives and children, and stood and watched the tragedy unfold. To help calm those remaining on board, Smith ordered the orchestra to play a selection of ragtime and other cheerful songs.

The last lifeboat was loaded and lowered at 2:05 a.m. As the Titanic sunk deeper into the sea, the stern rose up in the air, causing a large group of passengers to fall off the deck. Some fell into the water and others fell onto the wreckage. People were screaming as they drowned to death in the icy waters.

At 2:18 a.m. the Titanic lights finally went out as the boilers were completely submerged. The ship was almost vertical, its stern rising up into the night sky, while the bow sank toward the ocean floor. Suddenly the Titanic snapped in half and the stern broke free and sank. Two minutes later, the ship completely sank.

At 4:10a.m., the Carpathia, a Cunard liner, arrived at the site and began rescuing survivors. By 8:50 a.m. the mission was complete and the ship set sail for New York City.

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