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Q: How did communism differ from capitalism during the cold war?
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What two ideologies were at the heart of the disagreements between the US and the soviet union during the cold war?

Capitalism and communism - APEX.

What two economic systems clashed during the cold war?

communism and capitalism

What two ideologies were the heart of the disagreements between the US and the soviet union during the cold war?

Capitalism and communism

What two ideologies were at the heart of the disagreement between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Capitalism and communism

The ideological basis of the cold war was conflict between communism and?


What two types of government were in the rivalry of the cold war?

Communism (USSR) and Capitalism (USA)

Are the Russians still under communism?

No. After the cold war ended they converted to capitalism on the recommendation of the US

What were the major isms of the cold war?

The main "isms" of the Cold War were Socialism and Communism, both of which came up against Capitalism.

What was the result of this division of Korea?

It increased tensions in the Cold War between communism (USSR) and capitalism (USA).

Political theories of the cold war?

The theory of what system of government was best: Socialism (Communism) or Individualism (Freedom and Capitalism).

Korea involved in the cold war?

The Korean war mate, the first of military 'theaters' in which Communism and capitalism fought

The cold war between the US and the former Soviet Union was between what two forms of government?

capitalism vs "communism"