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Q: How did defense spending impact economics from 1945 into the 1990?
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What was the laissez-faire approach to economics and how was president Roosevelt's approach different?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd US president, was the US President from 1933 to his death in 1945. He was president during the worst depression the US ever had. Causing about an unemployment rate of 25%. Roosevelt did not believe in laissez-faire economics. He led the way towards more business regulation and a more central plan style in economics. Much more so then any president before him. As an aside, laissez-faire economics has never existed in what can be called the "modern world". It's impossible for any government not to have one degree or another in the economic affairs of a nation. The imposition of tariffs as an example is regulating economics in a nation. It's purpose is two fold, gaining income from trade by businesses and in so many cases helping to protect the home country business sector.

Did Franklin Delano Roosevelt believe in laissez-faire economic?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd US president, was the US President from 1933 to his death in 1945. He was president during the worst depression the US ever had. Causing about an unemployment rate of 25%. Roosevelt did not believe in laissez-faire economics. He led the way towards more business regulation and a more central plan style in economics. Much more so then any president before him. As an aside, laissez-faire economics has never existed in what can be called the "modern world". It's impossible for any government not to have one degree or another in the economic affairs of a nation. The imposition of tariffs as an example is regulating economics in a nation. It's purpose is two fold, gaining income from trade by businesses and in so many cases helping to protect the home country business sector.

What was 300 doallars worth in 1945 in todays money?

$300.00 in 1945 had the same buying power as $3,986.38 in 2016.

How much is 5 million dollars in 1945 worth now?

$5 million in 1945 would be $66 million in 2014.

Cost of eggs in 1945?

26 cents

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kick back bruuuvva!!

How did government spending increase from the years 1939 to 1945?

it went from $9 billion a year to $100 billion a year

How did the holocaust impact economically?

It had a seriouse possitive impact on the german economy because the nazis maded other £125 billion from the Labour the nazis forced the prsioners to do from 1933-1945 mostly from 1939-1945

What was the impact of Stalingrad like?

part of the impact of Stalingrad was that it was the start of liberation of the soviet union and that leads up to the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945

Why did the city of Berlin fall to Allied powers on May 2 1945?

The Soviet Army had surrounded the city and overtaken the German defense.