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By boat, as it was the only form of transportation available. As to why they came to America, there was a large emmigration from Ireland beginning in the late 1800's that was caused by devestation of the potato famine, the poverty and opression caused by the English and the dream of a young country where anything was possible.

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12y ago

They came here by boat, about 100 boats. There were so many Irish immigrants just a couple boats couldnt fit them all. Most of them came through Ellis Island, very rare did any come through Angel island, only the ones who missed there boat or didnt know about anyone leaving ever went through Angel island. They were driven away from Ireland by the famine. Most Irish people ate potatos, and corn, but after the "Potato Famine" hit hundreds to thousands of people died of starvation and poverty and came to America for new life.

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13y ago

The Irish got to America by a boat. It was then that they made history.

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By boat.

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