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Q: How did energy changed to another form when the candle was lighted?
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What is the energy change in a lighted candle?

light energy

Transformation of energy with lighted candle?


What energy does lighted candle give us?

it has light and heat energy

What form of energy is found in candle ones lighted?

light energy

What form of energy is produced when you use the candle?

When you light a candle, it burns the wax. That is chemical energy. The thermal energy is produced as the lighted wick continue to burn the wax. It also gives out light as it burns.

Where does a lighted candle get its energy to give off light and heat?

The lighted candle burns wax for fuel. The heat from the flame melts the nearby wax, and it is drawn to the flame through the wick. The wick is slowly consumed by the flame, but the wax is the main fuel.

When you light a candle enegy is changed to heat and energy?

Typically, chemical potential energy is converted into heat and light. When atoms light energy. It is this energy that you see released when the candle burns.

How is radiation made?

Radiation can come from many sources but all sources that produce radiation do so because of an abundance of energy that they possess. If you want to produce radiation light a candle. The only energy you will need to do this is a lighted match. When you light the candle wick it burns wax from the candle. This wax is stored energy that you have released as radiation in the form of light. I hope this answer is not too trite. gravity guru.

Is there physics in a candle?

Yes, part of physics is studying the transfer of energy from one form to another. Within the candle is chemical potential energy (think about how the candle has to burn in scented candles), when a fire source comes near enough to the candle the chemical potential energy is transferred into thermal energy (heat energy) and radiant energy (visible light energy)

When energy is used it is?

Changed from one form to another - energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another.

Why cant you get candle material back after burning?

Candle while burning, its wax gets burnt and matter gets changed into heat and light energy. These get radiated and pass away. So we cannot get back the candle material. Energy can neither be created nor be distroyed. This cannot be violated in any case. But matter can be changed into energy. So to get back the matter we have to know the technique to collect heat and light energy and know the skill to change it back to matter.

What is the energy of a flaming candle?

the energy in flame of a candle is thermal energy.