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Q: How did frida and Diego meet?
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Related questions

When was Diego et Frida created?

Diego et Frida was created in 1993.

How many pages does Diego et Frida have?

Diego et Frida has 237 pages.

Who was Diego Riveras wife?

Frida Kahlo.

Can you have a sentence with Frida Kahllo?

Frida Kahlo was diego's wife.

What is the ISBN of Diego et Frida?

The ISBN of Diego et Frida is 978-2-234-02617-9.

Who was important to frida?

Diego Rivera!

Did Diego die before or after Frida Kahlo?

Diego died in 1957, Frida in 1954.

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Frida Kahlo, to Diego Rivera.

Who are frida kahlo and diego rivera?

a couple

What sister of Frida kahlo sleeps with Diego?

Cristina Kahlo

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera's secrets?

When Frida was 15 Diego was painting a mural near Frida's school. She fell in love and said she would marry him, which they did 7 years later.

What is Frida Kahlo's father's name?

Frida Kahlo's father's name is Guillermo Kahlo.