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Q: How did government and private organizations work for better schools?
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What separates public schools from catholic and private schools?

Public schools are free and government operated, being paid for by tax money. Private schools are paid for entirely by the parents and are not government operated, however, they do need to meet government guidelines. Catholic schools are private schools that have a Catholic religious element to them. Many people believe that private schools are better for learning, which I believe to be the case.

What are Peru schools like?

It depends on what school you go to. I've been in both, private and public schools in Peru and from my point of view, private schools are better taken care of than public school. Public schools are payed by the government, but since the government won't take good care all of these schools, because of overpopulation that Peru is suffering; it's really hard fot them to take care of all schools in the country. In the other hand, private schools are better, but of you want to go there, you will have to make monthly payments, depending on the school you want to go to. But yeah, those are good schools.

What are schools in Peru?

It depends on what school you go to. I've been in both, private and public schools in Peru and from my point of view, private schools are better taken care of than public school. Public schools are payed by the government, but since the government won't take good care all of these schools, because of overpopulation that Peru is suffering; it's really hard fot them to take care of all schools in the country. In the other hand, private schools are better, but of you want to go there, you will have to make monthly payments, depending on the school you want to go to. But yeah, those are good schools.

Is the University of Phoenix a private school?

Let's define our terms a little better. Public schools are those that are, ultimately, run by "the government" (in the US, by a state government). They get money from the state to operate (they also charge fees, and usually out-of-state students are charged extra). Private schools are those run by some organization other than the government. They usually charge higher fees, but don't charge out-of-state students extra. The University of Phoenix is a private school with an added twist: it's actually run for profit (all public schools, and many private schools, just try to break even).

How did the government work for better schools?


How did government work for better schools?


Are private or public schools better?

it depends on the teachers, classes, ect.

Which is better private schools or state?

Since public school is paid for by taxes whether you use it or not, whereas private school is optional and therefore costs extra (even people who use private schools still pay taxes - this arrangement can change with the use of a school voucher system) it is generally expected that private schools are better; if they were not better, there would be no reason for people to spend extra money to send their children to private schools. However, as always we must avoid excessive generalization. There are many different private schools and they are not all of equal quality, and the same can be said for public schools. Not all private schools are better than all public schools. Also bear in mind that private schools can have other objectives than excellence of education. Often they serve a religious purpose. In some private schools, students may be instructed in a particular religion, but may not learn very much about other subjects that are normally taught in schools. There are certainly some cases in which students would be better off in the public school system, rather than in the particular private school that their parents have chosen for them.

Do private schools have better scholarship opportunities?

There are less scholarship opportunities for private schools. Private schools are more expensive and scholarships dont always cover the entire costs of the schools. Since private schools are not fully funded as public schools they will only offer a scholarship to the best and brightest student. If you are that student then you will be way above the others so the answer is yes they do.

Why is Public school better then private school?

Because first of all, Private school is alot more expensive. Alot of people say private schools are better because you get better education, which in some cases is untrue. Attending private schools it doesn't always mean someones smart, it could also just mean they're rich.

Should Your Child Get an Education In Private Schools?

Private schools are any school that is not funded by federal, state or local government like a public school. A charter school is independent of public school rules, but is funded and regulated by the federal, state or local government. Most private schools in the United States are operated by religious institutions and organizations. A private school doesn’t have to follow most educational regulations; however, they usually follow the path, and most of the time the level of education is equal or even better than a public school. In addition, these schools provide religious education to the student. Depending on the denomination, they may attend religious services once a week and devout their time to studying religion. Some feel that religion should be part of their child’s education. Private schools receive their funding through student tuition, donations and grants from religious organizations and private individuals. Funding from the government is under many restrictions or even against the law. This is according to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. If the school is a non-religious private school, the school may be eligible for certain funding. Private schooling has been debated by many since the beginnings of private school foundations in 1852. Educators and lawmakers have since argued that the education levels are different and not uniform. This may effect how and what your child learns. In general however, most agree that the private school education is equal to a public school education. In most religious private schools, children are expected to wear uniforms which are purchased by the parents. You children may show resistance to this, but it is intended to keep the children focused on their studies and not what their peers are wearing. Private schools can be expensive; however, some may offer reduced tuition if you qualify. Additionally, you may apply for a loan to fund your child’s schooling. Private schools may offer different types of courses that aren’t available in the public school system. You may feel that these opportunities will better prepare your child for college and a career

Which college is better government or private?

government colleges better than private colleges in private colleges teachers must aware their course and they finish their syllabus on time , and if we talk about govt colleges they don't care about their subject .