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It explained seafloor movement because he researched that hot/less dense material rises to Earths crust, at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At the hole the magma cools making new seafloor. He also found out that there were new rocks near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and old ones farther away. Hess also theorized that this seafloor has to filter somewhere- this somewhere is called the subduction zone. The subduction zone is an area where old seafloor sinks and the plates melt it forms into magma, building pressure within the Earth. When there is too much pressure the Earth lets out this energy in Arcs, Volcanic islands, etc.

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Q: How did harry hess's hypothsis explain seafloor movement?
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How did harry hess hypothesis explain seafloor movement?

Harry hess' hypothesis was hot/less dense material rises up the Earth's crust toward the mid-ocean ridges. When the seafloor breaks apart, magma is forced upward and through the cracks. It cools, and becomes a new seafloor. When it moves away from the mid-ocean ridge, it becomes denser and sinks. This helps form ridges.

Who discovered Seafloor Spreading?

Henry H. hess

What is the idea that continents have moved horizontally through the seafloor to their current locations?

seafloor spreading by Harry Hess

Who proposed the theory of seafloor spreading based on maps of the ocean floor?

The Seafloor Spreading Theory was proposed by Harry Hess.

What was the two discovery Harry Hess?

The Seafloor Spreading Theory

How did Harry Hess hypothesis explain seafloor spreading?

Harry Hess hypothesized that the sea floor was spreading. He explained it through the phenomena of the youngest rocks that are found only at the mid-ocean ridges. These rocks then, get progressively older when moving away from the ridge.

When did harry hess propose seafloor spreading?

1960 (although Hess' paper built upon Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift , proposed in 1915).

When and where was seafloor spreading discovereand why is it important?

It was proposed in the 1960s by Harry H. Hess.

Why was the ocean floor surveying conducted by Harry Hess of major geological importance?

Harry Hess helped develop the idea of seafloor spreading.

What three pieces of evidence did Harry Hess gather to prove that seafloor spreading was taking place?

Three evidence that supports Harry Hess theory of Seafloor Spreading is; 1. Paleomagnetism. 2. Plate Tectonics. 3. Polar Wondering and Polar Reversal.

Theory proposed by Harry Hess that includes processes along mid-ocean ridges?

Seafloor spreading.

What is the process in which new sea floor forms as older sea floor is pulled apart?

Seafloor Spreading created by harry hess