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ever hear of the saying "avoiding it like the plague"? they feared it, the avoided it, they lashed out towards it. people infected were bad off cause of the disease, but the people ostracized the sick for their own protection, killing burning, rioting, it was a damned mess. check out YouTube i'm sure there's a history channel documentary on their.

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Q: How did healthy people react to the sick on the plague?
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In the 1665 plague who looked after the sick people?

No one looked after the sick people as they could get infected as well, the sick people were just left to die.

How the sick were treated in the middle ages?

Medicine was not known in the middle ages, so many people died of the cure more times than the disease. When the plague hit and large numbers were sick there are historical accounts that areas of towns were bricked up and closed off to keep the sick in apart from the healthy. This was done Edinburgh, Scotland. In Venice, Italy 55,000 sick with plague were put on an island in the lagoon and allowed to die.

What did the healthy people do to avoid getting the plague?

some people had a natural ammunity to it also some people would take their holy items such as crosses and vases and beat themselves in a church to make god have mercy on them and save them from the plague.

Who had survived in the black plague?

Yes, the mortality rate of plague is not constant depending on what strain and type it is. It can be as high as 90%, so 10% of people who catch it will survive. whatever the disease (like plague), there will normally be some people who are either immune to it and will not get sick or people that get sick but recover from it.

Is the saying healthy body healthy mind true?

Nah. There are plenty of people with healthy bodies and sick minds.

When there's an epidemic why are infected people kept away from healthy people?

The healthy people are kept away from the unhealthy people because they don't want to get the healthy people sick too!

Why do people need healthy bodies?

away from the sick any

Is Romania healthy or unhealthy?

Romania has many sick people.

How did some people try to stop the plague?

staying away from the sick and moving 2 the country side

What is the probability of randomly selecting a sick person from a group of three sick people and seven healthy people?

3/10 or 0.3

What did people do to avoid the plague?

During the plague, people tried various methods to avoid getting sick, such as wearing aromatic herbs, avoiding the sick, or moving away from affected areas. Quarantine and isolation were also common practices to prevent the spread of the disease. Additionally, some turned to prayer and religious practices as a form of protection against the plague.

How did people respond to family members getting sick from the plague?

They were horrified, sad, and afraid for that person's life and their own.